Agricultural-chemical Facility in Wisconsin
Back to Main Project GalleryAfter observing repeated uncontrolled runoff events, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) requested that an organic fertilizer facility manage and treat stormwater runoff from a portion of the facility.
Sand County Environmental designed and installed two stormwater detention basins planted with willow trees to treat stormwater runoff from the facility. The planting includes an automated irrigation to support tree establishment. Native sedges, grasses, rushes, and forbs were seeded in and around the basin; these will provide even more stormwater treatment and, as a bonus, pollinator habitat. The trees and plants that were planted tolerate the fluctuating water levels and poor water quality expected in detention basins.
Sand County Environmental worked with a local contractor to build the basins. Sand County Environmental currently conducts maintenance of the plantings. This stormwater system is one of the first of its kind overseen by DATCP, and DATCP has been pleased with the results.