In-Situ Phytoremediation of Landfill Leachate

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Northern Wisconsin Municipal Landfill

  • 6 acres planted
  • Significant reduction in leachate generation

Precision-measured evapotranspiration rates of 40 gallons per tree per day and 3.1 million gallons per acre per year during the 4th season of growth (up to 23 mm per day).

Sand County Environmental designed and deployed a full-scale poplar and willow remediation system stand to control migration and contaminant concentrations of groundwater mixed with landfill leachate.

The site is a closed, older, unlined, municipal landfill originally constructed in a peat moss laden wetland. The cover is 2 feet of native soil, underlain by 10 to 20 feet of municipal waste. The current water table is within the waste and easily within the reach of the tree roots.